By Emma Zimmerman, Accounting Director

Life is busy. There’s always somewhere to go, something to do. More on the to-do list than hours in the day. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind.

When I’m on vacation, I try to slow down – listen to the birds, smell the fresh air and watch the colorful sunset – things that are easy to do on vacation. Why not every day? What makes me think that every day must be packed full?

Yes, it’s important to be diligent in our work and take care of the responsibilities with which we’ve been entrusted. But when we’re too focused on checking items off the list, it’s easy to miss the little joys in life. Proverbs would teach us that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” One way we can cultivate a merry heart is to notice and appreciate those little joys.

In this fast-paced world, how can we slow down enough to notice? (hint: it doesn’t require a week-long vacation.) What if I…

…took a few extra minutes to chat with a co-worker getting coffee? Those few “lost” minutes of work time might yield a more productive morning.

…stepped outside to admire the beauty of God’s creation? My backyard view doesn’t include mountains or lakes, but the Midwest does have some beautiful sunsets!

…make time for a hobby or try something new? My garden isn’t picture-perfect, and I flopped a recipe last week, but I had fun in the process.

What if you savored the joys of everyday life? How would it impact you?